A Guide For A Stress Free Christmas
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Put down the tinsel, step away from the mulled wine, and have a read of this. I know there are only 24 sleeps until Christmas and it seems like the world has already brought all their presents and have had their decorations up for weeks, but don't worry I'm here to help. Christmas might seem like a stressful time, but it really doesn't need to be. Here are some of my top tips to having a stress free and festive Christmas.
Even though December has already started, you still have plenty of time to take part! I know some people don't enjoy getting involved in Blogmas as peoples posts end up getting samey, but this is my first so I'm really excited. If you're stuck for ideas, just think about the kind of posts you like to read during Christmas, or posts that you can primarily only do around this time. There is also the new year coming up so you could post about topics relating to that. Just make sure you put your own little spin on it. Don't get all stressed out and feel like you need to post everyday too! Blogmas should be about sharing your ideas/traditions with others, not just posting to build up the days.
I know some people, some people being me, love buying presents for others and get a little carried away. I always have a list of main presents I want to buy, but I end up seeing little things which I think they'd love, and a few little things become a lot of little things and then it just ends up costing as much as the main presents! If you budget how much money you have to spend per person, and if you already know what you're getting them, you can then work out how much money you have left over to spend on those added extras. Plus, you need to save your extra pennies for the boxing day sales!
The one thing I love about shopping online is you can put everything you want in your basket and then just work out what you actually need. It's also great to have the option to compare prices between different websites. Delivery costs can seem like a pain, but most online stores now do 'click and collect', which you can just pick up while you're doing your regular shop. Make sure you sign up for their email subscription as they're always sending discount codes and flash sale via email. If you're like me and prefer going to the shop to buy your gifts, (I know it's always busy but it gets so festive), you can check online to see their range so you're more prepared, but sometimes the prices do vary between online and in-store so be mindful of that.
I know some people like to try and buy all their presents in one trip, but I know this rarely works out. I like to split mine between two trips at two different shopping destinations. If there are certain types of shops in one place, aim to buy those presents on one day and then get the remainder on the next. It also gives you the chance you look around and see what else is on offer.
Now that we are in December, we have no excuse not to start blasting out those Christmas tunes. Put together a playlist of your favourite songs and get everyone in your household into the Christmas spirit. You can even use Spotify and share it will all of your friends, or you can be authentic and put together a mixtape and give this out as a pre-christmas gift.
Christmas shouldn't be about trying to get everything perfect for the 25th, you have 24 other days to enjoy too! Visit all the markets and fares in your local area, go see a pantomime and go ice skating. It may seem like your weeks are going to be filled with shopping, but don't waste all this festivity!
Take full advantage of the fact Christmas is coming up, and bake! If there are recipes you love, try experimenting with it by including some Christmas ingredients; peppermint, cinnamon, chestnuts and nutmeg. You can even send these out as gifts. Everyone loves nothing more than freshly made delights. I'm going to be posting some of my favourite Christmas recipes during Blogmas to give you a little inspiration.
I don't know why but I love to wrap! I love waiting until the very last minute, throwing on some Christmas songs and just wrap away. I spend hours combining ribbons and other little decorative things to make the presents look perfect. I know that they're just going to get ripped open but they look so gorgeous under the tree, plus if they don't enjoy the present, at least they'll like the wrapping. If you get too overwhelmed with wrapping, wrap as you buy.
I always love making an effort when it comes to decorating the table all ready for dinner. You can get really creative with things that you already have in your home. Don't wait until the day to gather ever thing together. Even do a little test run as soon as you can to make sure it looks amazing! I will be posting some of my favourite layouts to give you some inspiration as well as some things you can make, so make sure you look out for that.
No matter how relaxed you are about Christmas, don't wait until the night before to get Christmas sorted, and I'm not just talking about presents. We all love to stock up our cupboards with enormous amounts of food, so don't wait until Christmas Eve to buy what you need. Never try and buy your presents on the last few days. Everyone just starts going crazy and turning on each other just to make sure they get what they need. Everything ends up being sold out, and it's just unnecessary stress. Even if you think buying it online will be ok, make sure you check the last day for delivery, and even then it's not guaranteed.
This is the defining point. No matter what goes wrong. No matter if something sells out. No matter if you've burnt the turkey and have no choice but to force-feed your family brussel sproats, it is only Christmas. You can always turn a negative situation into a positive one. Christmas should be about spending time with your family, eating and drinking your body weight, and just having fun. Don't try and compare your Christmas to other peoples, everyone has their own traditions and that's the way it should be.
I hope this guide will help you plan a stress-free christmas, but there are only 24 days left so get up and get going! Let me know in the comments below any pre-christmas nightmare stories you might have.
and let me know your thoughts on this post!