60+ Motivational Post Ideas That Aren't All About Goals and Resolutions
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It’s a given you have read at least one New Years resolution post over the last 14 days.
And there is nothing wrong with that.
You may have even read a post about why they won’t be setting any goals right now.
That’s completely fine too.

I love starting a new year just to feel like I’m starting over. Last year is all forgotten and now I’m fresh and ready to achieve everything I’ve ever wanted - but we know how difficult it can be to keep those resolutions. Unless you've written down a 365-day detail plan of how you’re going to achieve each point, you will probably forget about them or make tweaks to the true meaning throughout the year. It’s all in the fun of a new year.
This year, I thought I would fill you with inspiration with post ideas that are perfect for January, a new year, or if you feel like you need a little boost. Post ideas that don’t necessarily use the terms ‘resolutions’ or ‘goals’, but also give you a way of feeling motivated without feeling regretful in a few months time.
- How to prepare for a new blogging year.
- Your reading list for motivational and inspirational books.
- How to prepare for a blogging event.
- How to lower your procrastination levels.
- Why new year resolutions aren’t at the top of your agenda.
- How you’re starting your 2019 bullet journal.
- How to find the perfect diary for a new year.
- A 2018 roundup.
- Why you blog about the topics you do.
- The best blogging investments you’ve made.
- Why a change at the start of the year is not always the best idea.
- Top 5 bloggers you love.
- Tips on how to increase traffic to your blog.
- Life update.
- A concentration/motivational playlist.
- Tell us about your blogging journey.
- New year, new me... no thanks.
- How you’re organising/reorganising your blogs winter schedule.
- How to create downtime away from blogging.
- Your proudest blogging moments of 2018.
- Tips and advise on saving money.
- How your blogging style has changed throughout the years.
- Quotes you’d like to live by in 2019.
- Your worst resolution moments.
- Tips for gaining more followers on social media.
- Walk us through a typical day.
- How you designed your business cards.
- Share a free calendar printable.
- What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
- What’s the best advice you can give to bloggers who are starting out this year?
- 10 reasons why you think whoever is reading your post should start a blog.
- How to keep blogging motivation.
- Who is your biggest blogger inspirations?
- An unrealistic list of blogging achievements for 2019.
- Describe your blogging style - from content to photograph.
- 7 brands you would love to collaborate with.
- How to approach brands for collaborations.
- How to break through a blogging block.
- Why did you start blogging?
- How blogging changed my life.
- 5 things I would change about the blogging community.
- What to do when you feel like blogging isn’t for you anymore.
- Share your blogging working space.
- Interview a blogger who inspires you.
- Where do you find inspiration for your content?
- Your favourite Instagram feeds.
- How you edit your photography.
- Share what’s in your photography kit.
- How you would like to improve your blog this year.
- Tell us about what you would tell your 'day 1 blogging' self.
- The best places to promote your new content.
- How to make friends in the blogging community.
- Share your favourite blogging website tools and links.
- What are your favourite small businesses run by bloggers?
- Why you think your 2018 was a successful blogging year for you.
- A-Z of your blog.
- Answer your most frequently asked questions.
- Breakfast ideas you love waking up to.
- How to balance a blog and work.
- How you became a full-time blogger.
- What is it like being a freelancer?
- Blogging tips for those who struggle with writing.
- Photoshop/Lightroom tips every blogger should know.
- Free photo editing alternatives.
- Share your own list of post ideas.
Sharing motivational and inspirational content not only helps you share a proud moment, but it can only give those new or maybe those bloggers who feel a little lost right now something to help build them back up. Let me know in the comments below if you’re for or against new year resolutions. If you use any of these ideas as inspiration, please link it below.
and let me know your thoughts on this post!